Episode 24 – Black History Month 2020

Hello  listeners, as this is October, the team thought it was important to put out an episode in honour of Black History Month.
On this episode you will hear a discussion between Odai, William Vanderpuye and Alex Mason on the black community and autism, including interacting with the police, difficulties in getting a diagnosis and how so often black autistic people slip through the cracks.
We hope you find this episode interesting and enlightening on a part of the autistic community that is little represented and rarely gets a platform to be heard.
William Vanderpuye is an Autism activist and board member of Autistic Inclusive Meets (AIM), we here on the team would like to thank William for his participation in this discussion.
If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.