Episode 22 – Ditte Rose Andersen

Ditte Rose Andersen – Intensive Interaction Coordinator

Hello listeners, Season 3 is here!

On this first episode our hosts Sarah and Odai have an interview with psychologist Ditte Rose Andersoen looking into Ditte’s interests and research into the sensory aspects of autism. Both Sarah and Odai came away feeling like their heads were swimming with loads of new information and perspectives in regards to communication and better understanding in what people with autism want and how they’re not as disinterested as neurotypicals may first assume. We think this is a great start to the season. If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.

Show notes

http://ditterose.dk/ (Danish)

“In her search for approaches based on the individual, particular individual with his or her interests, abilities and preferences, Ditte encountered Intensive Interaction, which she has been working on since 2012.

She is today Intensive Interaction Institute’s Danish partner. She founded Intensive Interaction Denmark in 2014 in order to be able to offer education, courses, training and guidance in the approach to parents, relatives and professionals. In addition, she has a private psychologist practice with a special focus on communicative disabilities. She has spoken at several conferences (SIKON, Skive, the Aarhus Conference, Disability Studies Conference, Intensive Interaction Conference) and professional companies in Denmark and England about, among other things. autism, disability understanding and Intensive Interaction. For five years, Ditte has been a member of the board of the Psychological Association for Autism under the Danish Psychological Association.

In 2016, Ditte received the Demetrious Haracopos Scholarship, which is awarded by the Foundation Center for Autism and the Sofieskolen for work in the spirit of Haracopos: “Every human being has the right to be seen and heard”. She received the award for her work in finding more sensitive and developing approaches to autism and for her work in communicating and disseminating Intensive Interaction in Denmark.”

https://intensiveinteraction.dk/om-stifter-ditte-rose-andersen/ (Danish)

Episode 21 – Joseph Redford and Autistic Pride

Hello listeners, we are currently at work on Season 3, but Audible Autism is back with a special and important episode.

The Autistic Pride Online Celebration 2020 is happening on June 20th and in this episode, we speak with Joseph Redford, the organiser of London Autistic Pride, about why Autistic Pride is important to him.

For more information about the history of Autistic Pride, visit our page at the Autistic Empire.

Watch Autistic Pride Online Celebration 2020 livestream on YouTube.

Visit the Facebook event for more information.

With special thanks to Marilee Goulet, who answered an urgent request for technical help and kindly edited this episode for us.

The Autistic Pride Alliance supports anyone interested in how to create their own pride event. Please click on the photo for more information.

If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.

Episode 20 – Dealing with Isolation

Hello listeners, apologies for the lengthy delay but this one has been in the works for a long time now and we feel that we have a very special episode here for you.

Former guests Rebecca Cavender, Ted Rogers – and one of our own listeners Maegan Snell – talk about their experiences dealing with social isolation as autistic adults. We would like to thank the guests for having the confidence and willingness to talk about what is usually a difficult subject and for putting out their time to contribute to this episode.

For those of you who prefer to listen to podcasts via streaming we are happy to announce that we are now on Spotify as well as all the usual locations to listen to the podcast.

If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.

For more information about Rebecca and her services, visit RebeccaCavender.com
(Scholarships available for the autistic community!)

All the places where Ted and his work is available:

Episode 18 – Rebecca Cavender

Hello listeners, we have a brand new episode of Audible Autism for you.

Sarah interviews Rebecca Cavender. Rebecca is an intuitive writer, guide, and advocate from the Pacific Northwest, USA. She helps others remember they belong so they can catalyse and honour their true self-expression.

Rebecca does this through professional writing services (like copywriting and writing circles), coaching, and sharing her prose, poetry, and advocacy.

You can discover more about her here: www.rebeccacavender.com
(scholarships available for the autistic community)


Episode 17 – Cassandra Reyhani

In this episode, Odai interviews friend and activist Cassandra Reyhani, to talk about mental health problems in a persons family history and looking back in your family tree for autistic traits.

As Cassandra is the 2nd guest on the podcast from the United States, there is a dialogue between the two hosts in regards to the differences in the methodology,assumptions,stereotypes that an autistic person has to deal on a day to day basis on both sides of the Atlantic.

Its not all serious though listeners theres also a brief discussion on tips and advice on limits and how to best enjoy gigs and outdoor events as autistic people.

Come listen in for what is a fascinating, moving and, at points, intense episode.

If you would like to be on an episode of Audible Autism, please fill out our form here, and we’d love to chat with you.